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Sunday, May 16, 2010,3:18 PM

i've moved. :)

please click here!

bye monkey, i will miss u.

Friday, May 14, 2010,9:44 AM

hello! :)

went for my lasik 4th review yesterday. its almost a year since my op, but there's still some degree left. L50, R75. i asked if it is possible for it to go down to zero, and she said not likely. so i'll be doing the enhancement surgery, but only for my right eye. the left one, he said, was too little to be corrected. spent a long time sitting in the clinic and doing part of the pre-surgery evaluation again, checking cornea thickness, degree etc. will be having my surgery next monday at night. and bcos of e eyedrop to dilate my pupil for the evaluation, which was put 4 times bcos my pupil refuses to dilate, today my sight is still a little blurry when looking at words. i know i mus take good care of them, bcos tehy are very important. musnt read so many storybooks or look at the comp without letting it rest. to my eyes: "xing ku ni le! dui bu qi!"

had wanted to meet linfang for a meal yday but last min told her i couldn't make it bcos of the evaluation. i'm sorry lf, and meet up soon! :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010,9:55 PM

i had wanted to talk to someone to help me sort it out. but after a while i thought its still me who knows myself the best. so i'm writing it down, and hoping that doing so will help me come to a decision.

during the past few days i haven't had much luck with job hunting, but i got a call from e agency today, telling me she will apply to a specific company for me, and gave me the company details, working hours, pay rate etc. i'm happy bcos i'm finally making some progress, though its not yet confirmed. but just now i got another call from e same agency asking for an interview before considering me for a position in the healthcare industry. pay may be lower, i may need to spend more on tpt, but.. i like it. i don't know why i feel this way, only that i have always wanted to work in a hospital setting. then i ask myself, how can i know that i like it when i've never had any experience in it? i seem to feel that i just do.. although i know its not a very happy place to be. i guess the reason for my feeling this way is bcos i have always wanted a healthcare-related occupation for myself. but i can't say so now, bcos its me who's chosen to give it up when i chose accounting instead. perhaps in my heart, i'm trying to find something in between, to work in a healthcare setting. do i, should i turn towards what i like rather than what pays better.. i would like to, but i'm afraid that to do so i may not be able to save up as much for my exchange. its bcos i need the money... but i want to be happy too. maybe i'm too greedy afterall.

Sunday, May 9, 2010,12:17 AM

went to visit the residents today. its been a long few weeks since i last went bcos of the exams. very happy to see and talk to them :)

smtimes i think that i am a very selfish person. i always think about myself first before anyone else. like visiting the residents during term time, thinking i don't have any time left for them, school's already busy, and telling myself perhaps i should skip the week's session. i wish i weren't like that and wouldn't think that way, because it makes me a lousy person.

i want to try to be a better person, and i hope i can be. jiayou jiaxin!

Friday, May 7, 2010,11:55 PM

you're so far away. i don't know if i'll be able to travel to this city although its only a few months away. when i think about it, it seems not possible.. money aside. can i, really?

Thursday, May 6, 2010,9:43 PM

i'm here again.:)

i just thought of some things that have helped in pushing me forward in prepping for e exams that have ended, that i told myself i'll write here so i won't forget. i found some good music that accompanied me as i studied, some of whom i've not heard before. here are some good albums and beautiful songs that may not be new but are worth listening:

'Safe In a Crazy World' and 'Fly Away' albums by Corrinne May
Songs: Fly Away, Everything In Its Time
her songs are soothing and can stir up a lot of emotions, happy or unhappy. a little religious, but beautiful.:)

'Fearless' album by Taylor Swift
her music is one that i don't get tired of no matter how many times i listen. steady tempo that helps me stay awake when mugging.

'For(n)ever', 'Every Man for Himself' and 'The Reason' albums by Hoobastank
rock music that's loud, good for staying awake during mugging too, haha. i never used to like the rock genre b4, but i do now!

'Poetry of the Day After' album by Mayday
rock too, but their music makes me feel very good and happy. :D

theere are several more singers and their albums i'll just mention by name.
Park Hyo-Shin's 'The Breeze of Sea' and 'Soul Tree'
David Tao's 'Opus 69'
Jay Chou's 'Capricorn'
Ronan Keating's 'The Best of Ronan Keating'.

to all the songs above, THANK YOU for being my drive, lifting my mood and making me smile! :D

oh, and e song that's playing is Roseate Love's ost. i watched e taiwan drama a while back on youtube. e storyline's a little sad, but i still loved it. mm..3 out of 5 stars!

,5:15 PM

exams have ended yday. :) went out for dinner with wl, sy, zx, hr and julia after it at Secret Recipe. 2nd time i tried the food there, but still do not have any praises for it. I had e chicken cordon bleu, n I don't find it particularly delicious. Compared to these restaurants, I think I still prefer hawker centre and fast food, haha. Had a tough time this sem prepping for e exams, really busy w projs during e term until slightly before e start of exams. I hope we'll all do well! :D
I haven't found a job yet, still applying n getting no response. Bcos I need to earn more to save up for overseas, I'd been choosy n very particular abt e pay rates. N I do not want to find it through an agent anymore. Have just started watching Shining Inheritance. :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010,10:33 AM

mmm...a rainy and very cool sunday morning. :)

after being away for 3 weeks, i finally went to imh yesterday to visit the residents for a normal interaction session. this is the last session before the beach outing on 8 may, because our exams are almost here.

i spent a large part of the 2 hours with e youngest male resident in e ward, doing drawing and spelling. unlike the other residents, he is afraid when being asked to do things like drawing, writing. so when i do ask him to draw or write a specific item, he'll shake his head and say i don't know. almost like a child, he needs reassurance and encouragement. although he'll not want to try initially because he is afraid, he feels happy after he has done it well and correctly. but even if its not correct, it doesn't matter because it isn't about being correct, but having the courage to try.

we drew two drawings together, one i titled 'animals in the sea', that had a baby shark, dolphin, jellyfish and small fishes with no name. the other one was prettier; it had two vehicles going in opposite directions on a two-way road, and a little house and playground beside it. although its not very pretty, there's warmth and there's joy, n i hope he felt that too. :) we labelled e items in the drawings, because i felt it can be educational too. he couldn't spell a few at first, but after writing it down then covering it and asking him again, he knew how to. and for some words, he knew how to but just needed a little prompting.

looking forward to 8 may!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010,4:20 PM

one more down!:) submitted our gp marketing report today. now left w a gp accounting tutorial to present, n another indiv assignment on info sys.

a few days ago, my group mate had an accident and when we saw him today, he was walking on crutches, one of his legs was bandaged, n it looked v painful. i don't know why i always seem to be concerned whenever someone i know's injured. i feel for them, n i wish i could help in any way that can make them feel better. i suppose that's the reason y i had wanted to be a doctor when i was young, n later wanted to be an occupational therapist. whenever i am being asked, i would say that i want to help those in need. because i know they're hurting, i want to be able to lift their spirits, lessen their pain, and see them recover.

it struck me when i got back e MAPP review from the school career counsellor a month ago. it reminded me of me, who i am, what i like in an area of occupation, my personality traits. there was this sentence, which said that i tend to feel very much for the hurt, the needy or those less fortunate than i am. i can't help feeling that way because that is me. but i wish i wouldn't feel so much for every little thing, because it makes me confused.

Monday, March 22, 2010,8:55 PM

tired... don't feel like doing wk though i know i shld. can't seem to ever finish them bcos they keep coming. i dont mind e tutorials, but e group projs n assignments use up most time n effort le. finished a big one last wk with my group - we spent a few whole days together doing it. but aside from it being very tedious, i liked it bcos we worked to complete together.:)

did i mention i finished autumn's concerto? haha i did la, but jus wanted to repeat agn: its a lovely drama! but didn't like tt e ending though happy was so abrupt. i wish can pai them as a family tgr more. some parts were so sad, i almost cried.:) i like hua tuo ye n liang mu cheng n ren guang xi!

its going to be april soon.. that means exams are almost here. haven't started revising properly yet but i shld be. its end apr-early may, then after will be e long 3 mths vacation, by then i'll be working n saving up for edinburgh.:)


jiaxin zhang
National JC


+ rainy days
+ potatoes
+ kuantan
+ music
+ reading :)
+ korean,hk & taiwan dramas


+ travel in ireland :)
+ honours for BAC
+ travel overseas with my family



[nally] [linfang] [jovin]
[henry] [venus] [leon]
[atika] [nicole] [lusandra]


[May 2008] [June 2008] [July 2008] [September 2008] [November 2008] [December 2008] [January 2009] [February 2009] [March 2009] [April 2009] [May 2009] [June 2009] [July 2009] [August 2009] [September 2009] [October 2009] [November 2009] [December 2009] [January 2010] [February 2010] [March 2010] [April 2010] [May 2010]


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